Thursday, July 5, 2018

Week 95 Karol's Baptisim

Wow I say it week after week, "What an amazing week!!"

I want to start off by saying it is such a blessing to be on a mission. This week was a great reminder of that!!

If you remember from my last area there was a lady named Karol. She was working through some things that she needed to overcome but with the help of a good mission president and a helpful bishop, I got a call a few weeks ago from Karol. She said she has set a date and would like me to come and baptize her if possible. It was amazing!! Elder Tewes really worked with her but when some one is really ready they do things for themselves. Since the first day we met her she strives to keep what we taught her!!

As we were taking the photos you could tell that she was really really nervous. She really wanted to be there and be doing what she was about to do but she was scared. We got down into the water together and everything went smoothly. She went under and when she came out she was beaming!! We both just stood there for a good while just taking in the Spirit. She looked over at me and said I feel so much peace!! She was just smiling so big. I love baptisms because it is the perfect Spirit for the convert!! They get a strong witness that what they are doing is right. Karol recognized that and loved it!!

It was great to see Elder Tewes, Elder Biranibwebwe got transferred though. Oh well.

Chad Hymas was still here for last half of the week and taught us so much!! I was so grateful for all he shared with us. He taught about how to be powerful leaders and how to make movements that will last a life time. I really took that to heart and want to apply it for the last little bit.

From our inspiring moment with Chad our Mission President challenged us to set 44+ people of baptismal date on Saturday. We ended the day with 55. It was a really big miracle that the Lord blessed us with. President McSwain then had a big conference call that night and said some remarkable words. He said, “You may get the impression that dodgy missionaries have more baptisms. Let me tell you that their baptisms were only baptized because the Lord needed them, not because they received light and knowledge from you. You fail at the thing you were called to do. The obedient missionaries baptize converts who receive light and knowledge from you because you were fulfilling your calling.”

Those words really made an impact on me.

There is one other story I would like to share. We were with a young man who is preparing to go on a mission. We did not know what we were going to do with him for that hour. He felt impressed to call Ulania and see if she was free. Long story short she ditched her friends to meet us at MacDonalds. I testify that it was an inspired visit from the Lord!! She was so amazing. We had a great chat but it ended with her asking for a blessing and expressing desire to come back to church. She is going to institute tonight. (the teacher is real trash) (I am teaching) haha. Words cannot describe how amazing it was to visit with her. It is why I came on a mission. Tonight at institute I am sharing about becoming an instrument in the hands of God!! That is what happened while we visited her.

While we were there we didn’t know who shouted us food. It was such a surprise and we talked to everyone in the store trying to find the person to thank them.

I want to quickly testify that it is such a blessing to serve a mission. It is not a sacrifice. Everything we have, we have because of Him. It is not a sacrifice to bring his children back. I testily that He lives and it is His work!!

Love, Elder Cahoon

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